- Olaperi Yeside Okuboyejo, Sigrid Ewert, and Ian Sanders. Automatic feedback generation for the learning of regular expressions. ACM Transactions on Computing Education, Accepted with revisions, 2024
- Sewisha Lehong, Judy van Biljon, and Ian Sanders. Usability requirements for learning management systems in open distance electronic learning environments: Considering lecturers’ views on students' needs. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 40(3):567–583, 2024
- Ian Sanders, Colin Pilkington, and Laurette Pretorius. Making research methodologies in theoretical
computing explicit. South African Computer Journal, 34(1):192–216, 2022
- Anil Pise, Hima Vadapalli, and Ian Sanders. Estimation of learning affects experienced by learners:
An approach using relational reasoning and adaptive mapping. Wireless Communications and
Mobile Computing, 2022. Article ID 8808283, 14 pages
- Anil Pise, Hima Vadapalli, and Ian Sanders. Relational reasoning using neural networks: A survey.
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 29(Supp02):237–
258, 2021. Special Issue on Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics for an Ethical and
Inclusive Digitalized Society
- Anil Pise, Hima Vadapalli, and Ian Sanders. Facial emotion recognition using temporal relational
network: An application to e-learning. Multimedia Tools and Applications, pages 1–21, 2021.
Published online 14 November 2020 – the volume and issue numbers are still to be allocated
- Edward Zimudzi, Ian Sanders, Nicholas Rollings, and Christian W. Omlin. Remote sensing of
mangroves using unmanned aerial vehicles: current state and future directions. Journal of Spatial
Science, 66(2):195–212, 2021
- Louise Cronjé and Ian Sanders. Semi-automated class attendance monitoring using smart phone
technology. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Technology, 1(1):9 – 20, 2021. Published online
- Sigrid Ewert, Nuru Jingili, Liemiso Mpota, and Ian Sanders. Bag context picture grammars. Journal of Computer Languages, 51:214 – 221, 2019
- Edward Zimudzi, Ian Sanders, Nicholas Rollings, and Christian Omlin. Segmenting mangrove
ecosystems drone images using SLIC superpixels. Geocarto International, 34(14):1648–1662,
- Colin Pilkington and Ian Sanders. Learners’ and educators’ perspectives on the value of web design
in the South African grade 11 computer applications technology curriculum. African Journal of
Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 20(3):267–277, 2016
- Ian D Sanders and Patricia M Alexander. A study of computing doctorates in South Africa from
1978 to 2014. South African Computer Journal, 57(1):58–89, 2015
- C.L. Pilkington and I. D. Sanders. An online collaborative document creation exercise in an ODL
research project module. Computers & Education, 77:116–124, 2014
- I. D. Sanders and T. L Scholtz. First year students’ understanding of the flow of control in recursive
algorithms. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education,
16(3):348–362, December 2012
- V. C. Galpin and I. D. Sanders. Perceptions of computer science at a South African university.
Computers & Education, 49:1330–1356, 2007
- L. Hagger and I. D. Sanders. A greedy heuristic for axial line placement in collections of convex
polygons. South African Computer Journal, (37):51–60, December 2006
- D. Wilkins and I. D. Sanders. Axial line placement in deformed urban grids. South African
Computer Journal, (33):10–23, December 2004
- Ian Sanders and Andrew Russell. Syntax assisted word prediction in a programming environment.
South African Computer Journal, (33):67–76, December 2004
- V. C. Galpin, I. D. Sanders, H. Turner, and B. Venter. Computer self-efficacy among school and
university students in South Africa: the role of gender and educational background. IEEE Tech-
nology and Society Magazine, 22(3):43–48, 2003
- I. D. Sanders. Placing axial lines in urban grids. South African Computer Journal, (26):145–153,
2000. This issue of SACJ is a Special Issue which constitutes the Proceedings of the 2000 SAICSIT
Research and Development Symposium, Cape Town, 1-3 November 2000. Included in this Special
Issue are Research articles, Experience papers and New Ideas papers. This is a Research article
- I. D. Sanders, D. C. Watts, and A. D. Hall. Orthogonal axial line placement in chains and trees of
orthogonal rectangles. South African Computer Journal, (25):56–67, 2000
- V. C. Galpin, S. E. Hazelhurst, C. S. M. Mueller, and I. D. Sanders. Introducing research methods
to Computer Science Honours students. South African Computer Journal, (24):258–263, 1999.
This issue of SACJ is a Special Issue which constitutes the Proceedings of the 1999 SAICSIT
Research and Development Symposium
- I. D. Sanders, D. J. Lubinsky, M. Sears, and D. Kourie. Orthogonal ray guarding of adjacencies
between orthogonal rectangles. South African Computer Journal, (23):18–29, 1999
- I. D. Sanders and C-L. Tsai. Word prediction strategies in program editing environments. South
African Computer Journal, (20):18–24, December 1997
- I. D. Sanders. A peer-tutoring programme in computer science at the University of the Witwatersrand. GATES, 2(1):38–46, 1995
- T. S. Herbert, G. Mills, and I. D. Sanders. African Shape Grammar: A language of linear Ndebele
homesteads. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 21(4):453–476, 1994
- I. D. Sanders and C. S. M. Mueller. Making computer science more accessible to educationally
disadvantaged students. GATES, 1(2):32–41, 1994
- D. Wilcocks and I. D. Sanders. Animating recursion as an aid to instruction. Computers & Education, 23(3):221–226, November 1994
- V. C. Galpin and I. D. Sanders. Gender imbalances in computer science at the University of the
Witwatersrand. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 25(4):2–4, 1993
- I. D. Sanders and H. R. Gopal. AAPT: Algorithm Animator and Programming Toolbox. ACM
SIGCSE Bulletin, 23(4):41–47,50, December 1991
- S. W. Pyott and I. D. Sanders. ALEX: An aid to teaching algorithms. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin,
23(3):36–44,56, September 1991
Chapters in books
- Tlou Ramabu, Ian Sanders, and Marthie Schoeman. Nested-Decider: An animation program for aiding teaching and learning of decisions/nested decisions. In Richard J. Barnett, Daniel B. le Roux, Douglas A. Parry, and Bruce W. Watson, editors, ICT Education, 51st Annual Conference of the Southern African Computer Lecturers’ Association (SACLA 2022), Revised Selected Papers,
volume 1664 Communications in Computer and Information Science, pages 129–148. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2022
- Olaperi Yeside Okuboyejo, Sigrid Ewert, and Ian Sanders. Goofs in the class: Students’ errors and
misconceptions when learning regular expressions. In George Wells, Monelo Nxozi, and Bobby
Tait, editors, ICT Education, 49th Annual Conference of the Southern African Computer Lecturers'
Association (SACLA 2020), Revised Selected Papers, volume 1518 Communications in Computer
and Information Science, pages 57–71. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2021
- Nuru Jingili, Sigrid Ewert, and Ian Douglas Sanders. Syntactic generation of similar pictures. In
M. Obaidat, T. Ören, and F. Rango, editors, Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and
Applications. 8th International Conference, SIMULTECH 2018, Porto, Portugal, July
29-31, 2018, Revised Selected Papers, volume 947 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,
chapter 8, pages 153–180. Springer, Cham, 2020
- I. D. Sanders and V. C. Galpin. A survey of the attitudes to computing at the University of the
Witwatersrand. In E Green A Adam, J Emms and J Owen, editors, IFIP Transactions A-57,
Women, Work and Computerization, Breaking Old Boundaries – Building New Forms, pages 209–
223. Elsevier Science BV, Amsterdam, 1994
Conference proceedings
- S. P. Choshi, I. D. Sanders, and J. A. van Biljon. Mobile applications in supporting open and dis-
tance learning students’ research. In P. M. Cunningham and M Cunningham, editors, Proceedings
of IST-Africa 2021, 2021. Online proceedings
- T. J. Ramabu, I. D. Sanders, and M Schoeman. Teaching and learning CS1 with an assist of
manipulatives. In P. M. Cunningham and M Cunningham, editors, Proceedings of IST-Africa
2021, 2021. Online proceedings
- Sewisha Ezekiel Thabo Lehong, Judith Arnoldine van Biljon, and Ian Douglas Sanders. Open-distance electronic learning environments: Supervisors’ views on usability. In Delene Heukelman,
editor, Proceedings of IEEE ICTAS 2019 Conference, 2019. Paper 26, Electronic Proceedings
- N. Jingili, S. Ewert, and I. Sanders. Measuring perceptual similarity of syntactically generated
pictures. In Floriano De Rango, Tuncer Ören, and Mohammad S. Obaidat, editors, Proceedings
of 8th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and
Applications (SIMULTECH 2018), pages 244–255. SciTePress Digital Library, 2018
- Kehinde Aruleba, Sigrid Ewert, Ian Sanders, and Mpho Raborife. Pre-processing and feature
extraction technique for hand-drawn finite automata recognition. In 2018 IST-Africa Week Confer-
ence (IST-Africa), pages 169–177. IEEE, 2018
- Ian D Sanders, Colin L Pilkington, and Patricia M Alexander. The impact of leadership, trust and
time on technology choice by virtual teams. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the South
African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, page Paper 36. ACM, 2016
- Jan Johannes Van der Linde and ID Sanders. Enlarging directed graphs to ensure all nodes are
contained in cycles. In Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Research Conference on South African
Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, page Paper 41. ACM, 2015
- Ian Sanders, Colin Pilkington, and Wynand van Staden. Errors made by students when designing
finite automata. In 44th Annual SACLA Conference, volume 44, pages 110–118, 2015
- Benjamin Okundaye, Sigrid Ewert, and Ian Sanders. A novel approach to visual password schemes
using tree picture grammars. In Proceedings of the 2014 PRASA, RobMech and AfLaT Interna-
tional Joint Symposium, pages 247–252, 2014
- Abejide Ade-Ibijola, Sigrid Ewert, and Ian Sanders. Abstracting and narrating novice programs
using regular expressions. In Proceedings of the Southern African Institute for Computer Scientists
and Information Technologists Annual Conference 2014, pages 19–28. ACM, 2014
- Benjamin Okundaye, Sigrid Ewert, and Ian Sanders. Perceptual similarity of images generated
using tree grammars. In Proceedings of the Southern African Institute for Computer Scientist and
Information Technologists Annual Conference 2014, pages 286–296. ACM, 2014
- M Rasekgala, I.D. Sanders, S. Ewert, and T. Fogwill. Shape grammar model generating secure vi-
sual passwords: The move towards completely grammar based images. In Institute of Research En-
gineers and Doctors, editors, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advances in
Computing, Communication and Information Technology (CCIT 2014), pages 208–214, 2014
- Ian Sanders and Colin Pilkington. Increasing personal research output by utilising Honours stu-
dents. In Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Southern African Computer Lecturers’ Association
Conference, pages 146–152, 24-26 June 2014 2014
- Mokgadi Rasekgala, Sigrid Ewert, Ian Sanders, and Thomas Fogwill. Requirements for secure
graphical password schemes. In 2014 IST-Africa Conference Proceedings, pages 1–10. IEEE,
- Benjamin Okundaye, Sigrid Ewert, and Ian Sanders. Determining image similarity from pattern
matching of abstract syntax trees of tree picture grammars. PRASA Johannesburg, pages 83–90,
- I. D. Sanders. Cooperating to buy shoes: An application of picking cycles in directed graphs. In
Proceedings of the 2013 SAICSIT conference, pages 8–16. SAICSIT, 7-9 October 2013
- I. D. Sanders. Cooperating to buy shoes in the real world: Online cycle picking in directed graphs.
In Proceedings of the 2013 SAICSIT conference, pages 286–294. SAICSIT, 7-9 October 2013
- Scott Hazelhurst, Yestin Johnson, and Ian Sanders. An empirical analysis of the relationship be-
tween web usage and academic performance in undergraduate students. In Proceedings of the 41st
SACLA Conference, 2011
- Tamarisk Lurlyn Scholtz and Ian Sanders. Mental models of recursion: Investigating students’
understanding of recursion. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Conference on Innovation and
Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE ’10, pages 103–107, New York, NY, USA,
2010. ACM
- Juan Manuel Gutiérrez Cárdenas and Ian Douglas Sanders. Introductory programming course:
From classics to formal methods. In Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and
Computer Science, volume 1, 2009
- Vashti C. Galpin, Ian D. Sanders, and Pei-yu Chen. Learning styles and personality types of com-
puter science students at a South African university. In Proceedings of the 12th Annual SIGCSE
Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE ’07, pages
201–205, New York, NY, USA, 2007. ACM
- I. D. Sanders, V. C. Galpin, and T. Götschi. Mental models of recursion revisited. In Proceedings
of the Eleventh Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education,
pages 138–142, University of Bologna, Italy, 26-28 June 2006. ACM SIGCSE
- S. Rauchas, B. Rosman, G. Konidaris, and I. D. Sanders. Language performance at high school
and success in first year computer science. In Proceedings of the Thirty-seventh SIGCSE Technical
Symposium on Computer Science Education, pages 398–402. ACM SIGCSE, 2006
- I. D. Sanders. Seeded region growing with multiple seed points. In F. Nicolls, editor, Proceedings
of the Sixteenth Annual Symposium of the Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa, pages
177–182. Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa, 23-25 November 2005
- H. Kruger and I. D. Sanders. Orthogonal axial line placement in hole free collections of rectangles.
In Research for a changing world, Proceedings of SAICSIT2005, pages 48–55, White River, South
Africa, 20-22 September 2005. SAICSIT
T- . Götschi, I. D. Sanders, and V. Galpin. Mental models of recursion. In Proceedings of the 34th
SIGCSE Technical Symposium, pages 346–352. ACM SIGCSE, ACM, February 2003
- L. Hagger and I. D. Sanders. Partitioning a deformed urban grid. In Abstracts for the 14th Cana-
dian Conference on Computational Geometry, pages 88–92, 12 - 14 August 2002. The full paper
is available in the electronic proceedings – ̃wismath/cccg/
- I. D. Sanders. Teaching empirical analysis of algorithms. In Proceedings of the 33rd SIGCSE
Technical Symposium, pages 321–325, February 2002
- I. D. Sanders and L-A. Kenny. Heuristics for placing non-orthogonal axial lines to cross the
adjacencies between orthogonal rectangles. In Abstracts for the Thirteenth Canadian Conference
on Computational Geometry, pages 153–156. University of Waterloo, August 2001
- I. D. Sanders. More on empirical analysis/verification of algorithms. In Linda Marshall, editor,
Proceedings of the 31st SACLA Conference, pages 60–64, 2001
- I. D. Sanders. Empirical analysis of algorithms is easy, (or is it?). In Adrie Stander, editor,
Proceedings of the SACLA 2000 Conference, pages 220–228, 2000
- I. D. Sanders and C. S. M. Mueller. A fundamentals-based curriculum for first year Computer Sci-
ence. In Proceedings of the 31st SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education,
pages 227–231, Austin, Texas, USA, March 2000
- C S M Mueller V C Galpin, S E Hazelhurst and I D Sanders. Experiences of introducing research
methods to Honours students. In Proceedings of the 29th Annual Southern African Computer
Lecturers’ Association Conference, pages 51–56, 27-29 June 1999
- I D Sanders and C S M Mueller. A fundamentals-based first year computer science curriculum. In
Proceedings of the 28th Annual Southern African Computer Lecturers’ Association Conference,
pages 91–6, 27-29 June 1999
- I. D. Sanders. Non-orthogonal ray guarding. In J. Snoeyink, editor, Abstracts for the Eleventh
Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, pages 80–83. University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, August 1999. The full paper is available in the electronic proceedings – http://
- J. Bilbrough and I. D. Sanders. A linear algorithm for partial edge visibility. In Proceedings of the
1998 SAICSIT Research and Development Symposium, pages 200–210. South African Institute of
Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, SAICSIT, November 1998
- I. D. Sanders. Non-orthogonal ray guarding. In Proceedings of the 1998 SAICSIT Research
and Development Symposium, pages 230–235. South African Institute of Computer Scientists and
Information Technologists, November 1998
- I. D. Sanders. Non-orthogonal ray guarding. In Proceedings of the 28th Annual Southern African
Computer Lecturers’ Association Conference, pages 133–137. Stellenbosch University, June 1998
- I. D. Sanders and S. Hedetniemi. Teaching introductory computer science: A comparison of two
institutions. In Proceedings of the 28th Annual Southern African Computer Lecturers’ Association
Conference, pages 127–131. University of Stellenbosch, 28-30 June 1998 1998
- I. D. Sanders. Peer-tutoring in Computer Science at the University of the Witwatersrand. In
Proceedings of the 1997 SAAAD conference, November-December 1997
- I. D. Sanders, D. J. Lubinsky, and M. Sears. Ray guarding configurations of adjacent rectangles.
In Proceedings of The 1997 National Research and Development Conference (SAICSIT 97), pages
221–238. Potchefstroom University for Higher Christian Education, November 1997. This paper
was subsequently submitted to the South African Computer Journal
- M. Daniels, J. Gal-Ezer, I. D. Sanders, and G. J. Teague. Teaching computer science: Experiences
from four continents. In Proceedings of the 27th SIGCSE Technical Symposium, pages 102–106,
February 1996. Also appearing as ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, Vol 28, No 1
- I. D. Sanders, D. J. Lubinsky, and M. Sears. Ray guarding configurations of adjacent rectangles.
In Proceedings of the 25th Annual Southern African Computer Lecturers’ Association Conference,
pages 104–116. Rhodes University, July 1995
- G. Ghinea and I. D. Sanders. Application of the Venkateshwar and Chellappa line finder to aerial
images. In Proceedings of the Fifth South African Workshop on Pattern Recognition, 24 - 25
November 1994 1994
- Ian Sanders and Vashti Galpin. A survey of attitudes to computing at the university of the witwa-
tersrand. In Proceedings of the IFIP TC9/WG9.1 Fifth International Conference on Woman, Work
and Computerization: Breaking Old Boundaries-Building New Forms, pages 108–122. Elsevier
Science Inc., 1994
- C. S. M. Mueller, S. T. Rock, and I. D. Sanders. An improved first year course taking into account
third world students. In Proceedings of the 24th SIGCSE Technical Symposium, pages 213–217.
ACM, March 1993. Also published as ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, Vol 25, No 1
- J. Nana and I. D. Sanders. Threshold driven edge detection. In Proceedings of the Third South
African Workshop on Pattern Recognition, 26 November 1992 1992
- I. D. Sanders and J. Pearcey. A heuristic method for restoring binary images. In Proceedings of
the eighteenth South African Symposium on Numerical Mathematics, page pages, 13-15 July 1992
- A. G. Godfrey, I. D. Sanders, and T. A. McWalter. Neural networks for local scale boundary
linking. In Proceedings of the Second South African Workshop on Pattern Recognition, 29 - 30
November 1991 1991
- T. A. McWalter and I. D. Sanders. Edge detection using neural networks. In Proceedings of the
Second South African Workshop on Pattern Recognition, 29 - 30 November 1991 1991
- I. D. Sanders. Parallel algorithms for image restoration. In Proceedings of the Sixteenth South
African Symposium on Numerical Mathematics, page pages, 9–11 July 1990 1990